Fashion in Ladies Drive No. 64: Inspirational Woman Designers

Text: Yvonne Aeberhard Stutz

Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Elevita
Ladies Drive No. 69 Cover: Die Macht & Magie emotionaler Worte

In the current issue of Ladies Drive Magazine, Yvonne Aeberhard Stutz presents four companies: Elevita, Simone Bruns Cashmere, Rotauf and Mifuko.


Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Elevita
Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Elevita
Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Elevita

ELEVITA was founded by Zurich-born Jelena Brkic. Her story is not just about creating beautiful pieces of jewellery. It is much more than this. One of going back to the source, adventure and of a mystical nature. Each of the crystals used in her jewellery is hand-sourced by her and her team from deep within the Swiss mountains. Only Swiss gemstones and certified ecological gold and recycled silver are used. In addition, everything is produced in Switzerland. Most pieces are made exclusively for you, according to your specifications. Sometimes it is even possible to go on a special mountain hike with Jelena to source your very own crystal. Wow – an experience I am planning on doing myself in 2024. The ring shown here depicts the Piz Beverin and the beautiful Carnusa Valley. The unique triangle-cut rock crystal comes from Piz Beverin. You can try on this ring at goldsmith Wöhler & Weikard at the Schipfe in Zurich.

Check out more information online:

Simone Bruns Cashmere

Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Simone Bruns Cashmere
Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Simone Bruns Cashmere
Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Simone Bruns
Simone Bruns

Simone Bruns Cashmere

Having already become a prominent person in the areas of art and charity, Simone Bruns founded her fashion label “CASHMERE COUTURE / SIMONE BRUNS” in 2015. At the time she travelled to Nepal after the earthquake in April and began to draw a global alliance with rural cashmere producers. Due to widespread illiteracy, many people’s livelihood in Nepal depend on their ability to produce cashmere threads. Simone Bruns’ goal is to create long-term and sustainable professional perspectives in Nepal, particularly for women. The women working for Simone Bruns receive a monthly wage significantly above the average Nepalese income. Each piece of Simone Bruns cashmere is a symbol of hope and opportunity. Perfect for the cosy winter days and nights ahead. Personally I am a fan of the patterned polo neck sweater – a real wardrobe staple for every woman’s wardrobe that is sure to stand the test of time.

Shop online here:


Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - ROTAUF
Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - ROTAUF
Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - ROTAUF - Jessica Fehr
Jessica Fehr

ROTAUF has been creating ecological and sustainable outdoor clothing since 2013. Designed and mostly produced in Switzerland. In 2023 Jessica Fehr took over as CEO of the company, having previously worked for companies such as the Swiss Luxury Brand Akris and French streetwear brand Vetements. She purposefully moved into the sportswear sector having the passion for promoting the growth of a smaller sustainable brand such as ROTAUF.

I recently had the opportunity to test ROTAUF clothing on a press trip to the mountains and have become a true fan ever since. You really need to feel and wear the clothing to understand what is so special about it. I was super-impressed at how small everything folded down and yet it was perfect for both extreme warm and cold conditions. As we all know the mountains can always be unpredictable weather-wise. ROTAUF is my absolute top tip for anyone with a love of the great outdoors.

Find out more about the company and online shop here:


Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Mifuko
Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Mifuko
Fashion in Ladies Drive Magazine No. 64 - Inspirational Woman Designers - Mifuko - Mari and Minna
Mifuko – Mari and Minna

Mifuko was founded in 2009 by two friends, Mari and Minna. They had been friends since studying Textile Art and Design at the University of Art and Design in Helsinki. The idea of Mifuko was born in the colourful bustle of a market in Nairobi, Kenya. Minna lived in Kenya at the time, and Mari was visiting her. Minna and Mari were amazed by the craftmanship of the artisans selling their goods and wanted to share it with a wider audience. Minna and Mari founded Mifuko with a clear objective: to combine Nordic design and traditional African handicraft skills to form a business that directly benefits the people of rural Kenya.

Mifuko products now provide flexible and safe work for over 1,300 artisans in Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania.

Personally I think you can never have enough of these bags – also useful for storing things in around the home. The perfect sustainable Christmas gift for friends or relatives!

Read more and online shop here:

Ladies Drive Magazine - Yvonne Aeberhard Stutz
Yvonne Aeberhard Stutz

Hi, my name is Yvonne, I worked in finance for almost 3 decades. One day I woke up and decided it was time to have a change and turn my hobbies into my profession. Hence the fashion/lifestyle blog was created. That was 8 years ago. Fashion Week Street Style and other photography is also a part of my new profession.

Having a huge passion for fashion and supporting incredible female designers I am super-excited at having the opportunity to share a few with you on Ladies Drive – a magazine I have loved since its very beginning.

Photo: Reto Stutz


Veröffentlicht am Januar 08, 2024
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