Susanne Vincenz-Stauffacher & Lisa Vincenz portraitiert und interviewt zum Thema „Transformation der Generationen“ in der Ausgabe No 53 (Frühling 2021).
LadiesDrive.World / Online / Creators
Tomek Gola
Hello, thank you for stopping by.
My photography career spans 20 years. I have been shooting for numerous clients, including Red Bull, National Geographic, Huawei, Jeep, Orlen, Swiss Ladies Drive, University of St Gallen, Ecolint, Clarins, Lombard Odier, Palexpo, Żywiec, etc.
Portraiture and branding photography are the main fields of my professional expertise and personal fulfilment. Each person I portray shares with me a unique piece of their personality. Through branding photography – whether advertising or event – I strive to bring out the distinctive spirit of the company.
Photography exceeds far beyond commercial activity for me, though. In 2020 I received a Master of Arts with Honours in Photography at the prestigious Institute of Creative Photography in Opava, CZ.
On a personal level – in 2018, together with my wife and two kids, we moved to Geneva, Switzerland, to make it our home.
Being located in such a well-connected spot, I am available for challenging projects worldwide.
Please visit my portfolio at:

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