
Waris Dirie: How The Desert Flower Grows

Waris Dirie: How The Desert Flower Grows

Waris Dirie. Supermodel. Bestselling Author. Actress. Human Rights Activist. Painter. Believer.
And more beautiful than ever before. This desert flower has grown deep roots
and confidence to inspire others – no matter what.

3 Pillars for the Next Career Step

3 Pillars for the Next Career Step

According to a study by the consulting firm Zenger Folkman published in the Harvard Business Re-view, women outperform men in 17 out of 19 leadership competencies. But only 29% of management positions with personnel responsibility are filled by women. 64% of promotions go to men. And this even though 54% of all university and technical college degrees go to women. But enough numbers, because we all know that there are simply still too few women in leadership positions. To change this situation, companies must adapt their structures, but politics can also do its part – keyword childcare. Additionally, women who want to take the next step can also prepare themselves for it and advance their careers in a targeted manner.

John Strelecky: I Know How It Feels to Be Alone

John Strelecky: I Know How It Feels to Be Alone

The Café on the Edge of the World and The Big 5 for Life are on numerous bestseller lists all around the world. The Café has been translated into 43 languages and has sold over 4 million copies. In May 2022, the fourth book in the Café series will be published. Its creator and author is John Strelecky, who has sold more than 6 million books worldwide. He is American, born and raised outside of Chicago, and a curious adventurer with a philosophical mind who will teach us how to use our intuitive muscle.

Swati Mandela: The Untold Story

Swati Mandela: The Untold Story

Everyone knows Nelson Mandela. He changed how the world sees South Africa – and he changed the world for his fellow citizens, and not just in his home country. But who knows the story about Winnie Mandela – or her granddaughter Swati Mandela? It is about time this story was told. And we’re proud to share it with you, with our Business Sisterhood. Swati Mandela’s mother was Princess Zenani Mandela-Dlamini. Swati herself is a royal highness, too. Her full name: Princess Zamaswazi Dlamini- Mandela. Her grandmother was Winnie Mandela.
These strong women have been so bold – it is just incredible.

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