Selbstoptimierung – Peggy Grueninger

Idee & Realisation: Sandra-Stella Triebl
Foto: Tomek Gola /
Make-up: Angela Meleti
Location: Loft@PKZ Women Zürich

Ladies Drive Magazine - Peggy Grueninger
Ladies Drive Magazine
Peggy Grueninger portraitiert und interviewt zum Thema "Selbstoptimierung" in der Ausgabe No 58 (Summer 2022).

Peggy Grueninger

Head Donations and Philanthropy. F. Hoffmann La Roche AG

Ladies Drive Magazine - Peggy Grueninger
Ladies Drive Magazine - Peggy Grueninger

Optimizing Myself Means To Be Vulnerable

The idea of self-optimization makes me smile because it takes experience and maturity to know that this is not how you will be successful or credible. For me, optimizing myself means:
Preparing for the meeting or event that I plan to attend. Be vulnerable, admit when I do not know something, be curious and open to learning and experiencing the moment and situation. I optimize by looking my best, staying authentic and being myself all the time and in such a way that others feel they can be themselves with me and I am accessible and relatable. This way I get to meet great minds. And I’m convinced that people see through smoke so inner strength radiates confidence and is attractive.

I am drawn to people who are authentic and relaxed in their skin and of course they must know their topic or admit if they do not know. If they are faking it, they have already lost in my eyes. And I do not find them attractive or interesting. They probably do not like looking in the mirror either.

Admitting to not knowing something usually stimulates others to help and support. At my age there is no need to pimp up anything as experience has shown me that this is not sustainable or helpful long term. I always try to connect with the people I am addressing or talking to. I must admit I am centered, this helps me to manage my emotions

Staying authentic, makes one credible and reliable. Especially because we are flooded with so much fake stuff that people are grateful when they see someone credible and honest, especially young people. I guess it makes them feel less incapable. If you are authentic you will always be an individual. Fake people have something in common – kind of a uniformity around their fakeness.

Of course when I am vulnerable I quite often observe people confusing vulnerability with weakness and it takes strength to show the opposite; It is not always easy or possible. Some you win, others you do not. For me, co-creation means achieving more together than going at it alone and having just my own opinion is a missed opportunity. Creating space for others to contribute and accepting our differences and seeing it as an enrichment has always enriching to conversations and outcomes, I believe.

I am OK. I am not perfect and it is OK, and you are OK, too. As people we need to be OK with ourselves to take away the pressure that the coming generations feel as they see their mothers struggling to be forever young. Being older is an achievement: others did not make it!

Weitere Artikel in der Foto-Serie „Selbstoptimierung“:

Sandra-Stella Triebl
Tomek Gola

Veröffentlicht am März 04, 2023
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Ladies Drive und seine Crew in den Vorbereitungen für unser Fotoshooting zum Thema Selbstoptimierung (Ausgabe No 58, Sommer 2022, ET 3.6.22).
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