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Women in Web3 Switzerland
Women in Web3 Switzerland (WiW3CH) is an association dedicated to creating a strong community for women in Web3, to increase the strength, voice and visibility of female experts in the space. It is an association driven to bring more women into Web3 by creating communities for greater inclusion and visibility.

Neueste Artikel von Women in Web3 Switzerland
NFTs: Pioneering a Sustainable and Kind Economy
The rise of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) has sparked both excitement and controversy in the world of digital assets.
Do we really need “Legal” in Web3?
With the rise of new technologies like Web3, AI, DeFi, we often come across the question whether there is a way around the involvement of legal professionals. Unfortunately, legal support is still needed, and it is recommended to have it from the outset and not just before the launch of a project. Why is that?
Wie vier Gründerinnen das Web3 in der Schweiz prägen
Web3 ist neben künstlicher Intelligenz und Blockchain sicherlich eines der Schlagworte, die derzeit die Schlagzeilen beherrschen. Aber was genau verbirgt sich hinter Web3? Vier bemerkenswerte Frauen, die Mitglieder des Vereins Women in Web3 Switzerland sind, haben sich bereit erklärt, es für Sie aufzuschlüsseln.
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