
Women of Iran

Women of Iran

“I am a 34-year-old woman who was born in Tehran, Iran, and hold a master’s degree in renewable energy engineering. Despite my educational background, I have followed my passion for art and now work as a painting instructor. I give this interview anonymously.”

Dayo Okewale: Against All Odds

Dayo Okewale: Against All Odds

Dayo Okewale was born and raised in Hackney, East London. He lived a street away from “Murder Mile”, in a neighbourhood that we might call “underprivileged”. His talent, curiosity, divine alignment and Pina Coladas at a beach in the Cayman Islands opened many doors: his current role is senior advisor in the House of Lords in the United Kingdom.

Female Founders News #9 – January 2024

Female Founders News #9 – January 2024

Remarkably, most of the announcements made in the past weeks have been mainly about life sciences companies, with a few in cleantech, Fintech and other sectors. There are new insights from the latest Swiss Venture Capital Report.

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