League of Leading Ladies Conference 2024 Retrospective

Text: Sandra-Stella Triebl
Photo: Tomek Gola

League of Leading Ladies Conference 2024 - The Art of Abundance
League of Leading Ladies Conference
Imagine the world as if it were made of frequencies and vibrations, just as Nikola Tesla once said. This would mean that we resonate with one another, like the strings of a guitar. At this year's League of Leading Ladies Conference 2024 in Bad Ragaz, we tried to find out how we can draw from abundance even in times of crisis and how we can immerse ourselves in this abundance and 'resonate' with it. Our conclusion: Where there is abundance, there is always a great void.

What would you do if your son were brutally murdered and you stood face to face with his killer? What would you do if you thought that luck had never been on your side? What would you do if you were publicly criticized for being who you are? And what would you do if you felt that people were not acting according to ethical principles and were becoming richer and richer because of it?

We have tried to address these and many other questions. It is deliberately an attempt and does not claim to be perfect.

Katja Faber has shared with us what it is like to feel something like happiness again after the brutal murder of her son. Prof. Christian Busch has explained to us how we can invite happiness into our lives. Princess Martha Louise has shown us how to let go of our fears and fill our lives, our business and everything we do with love. Fabienne In-Albon has told us that she always believed in herself even though it took four years to become qualified and get a permission to play golf. And Dr. Mara Harvey has reinforced that the financial system urgently needs new ethical guidelines and that we should teach our children everything they need to know about money at an early age.

After this year’s League of Leading Ladies Conference 2024, I am left with a feeling of great love, compassion and care for oneself – but also for others. I am convinced that from this feeling, so much strength and beauty can arise for oneself and that it creates a ripple effect. And last but not least, it is the smallest unit for a little bit of peace, joy, and light in this sometimes so merciless world.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to this.


With kind support by Porsche Schweiz, USM Modular Furniture, VP Bank Switzerland, The Estée Lauder Companies, PKZ Burger-Kehl & CoRoche BoboisStiftung BPNDermis HautklinikDQ Solutions – ICT Lösungen.

Thanks a million to my dear friend and Co-Host Sasha (Alexandra) Lund.

Kudos to our Workshop Hosts:

Oona Horx Strathern, Blanca Garcia, Maria Sirois, Laurence Rochat, Zita Langenstein, Prof. Dr. Lavinia Heisenberg & Melanie Skeffington.

You all make the world a better place.

Sandra-Stella Triebl
Tomek Gola

Veröffentlicht am Juni 05, 2024

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