It’s a Wrap! the League Of Leading Ladies Conference 2021

League of Leading Ladies Conference 2021
League of Leading Ladies Conference
League of Leading Ladies Conference is the flagship event organised since 2014 by Sandra-Stella & Sebastian Triebl. In 2020 it could not have taken place and needed to be postponed twice. In order to make it possible this year Stella and Sebastian decided to implement the now becoming increasingly popular concept of a hybrid event. The formula combines a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component.

The concept itself is not all new, because one of the first hybrid events was held in 1992, between the University of Helsinki in Finland and Williams College in the US. It was then defined as the first global seminar using teleconferencing technology.

The exceptional circumstances in the last two years bring this formula to all new level though. Not only does it allow the events to take place when social distancing rules are imposed, but, what’s more important – it gives the opportunity for participants to socialise in person in between or after the keynotes.

We witnessed the numerous advantages of such a concept:

  • Participants are not held in a confined space, but can sit anywhere. It was especially striking on this event, because the LLL Conference always takes place in a stunning location – the Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel in Interlaken, with the terrace overlooking the snow-capped Jungfrau mountain.
  • People get into small groups, where they can exchange comments, straighten up – all this without disturbing the speaker.
  • They can calmly enjoy their meals during the speeches without munching quickly during short coffee-breaks while making new, valuable connections.
  • Participants that can’t make it – may still be present on the conference while being on the other side of the World.

Even when the pandemic is over and social distancing will be a thing of the past – the hybrid event formula is here to stay.

Have a look at few images from this novel League of Leading Ladies Conference below.

Further information about the Conference:

Thank you from the bottom of our heart to our inspiring keynote speakers and workshop hosts
(click and you’ll be re-directed to the LinkedIn profile of our speakers):
Paolo Gallo
Peter Koenig
Mattias Ribbing
Sabine Scheunert
Lisa Wimberger
Susanne Müller Zantop
Brian Solis

Veröffentlicht am Juni 22, 2021

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