Fashion in Ladies Drive No. 68: Inspirational Woman Designers

By Yvonne Aeberhard Stutz
Photos: Press

Fashion in Ladies Drive No. 68: Inspirational Woman Designers. Bombay Birds
Ladies Drive Magazine
In Ladies Drive Magazine No 68 Yvonne Aeberhard Stutz presents SoSue, Diana Caramaci, Intensify Me and Bombay Birds

Diana Caramaci

Fashion in Ladies Drive No. 68: Inspirational Woman Designers. Diana Caramaci
Diana Caramaci

Diana Caramaci is a brand I discovered at the Emerging Talents show in Milan. Established by Diana Caramaci herself in Bucharest, Romania, in 2017 upon winning the Young Designers on Stage contest at the Bucharest Fashion Week.

Founded on the principles of innovation, craftsmanship and timeless elegance, Diana Caramaci has quickly risen to prom­inence in the fashion industry. So far, she has showcased her work at fashion shows in Milan, Paris, New York and Dubai. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to sustainability, the brand seamlessly blends traditional techniques with modern aesthetics, creating pieces that are both striking and wearable.

Diana’s aim is to create a piece of artwork with each item of clothing. I was truly fascinated by the beauty and elegance of each gown on the runway this season in Milan. It is worth checking out her online store where you will find the most magnificent unique garments at truly affordable prices.


SoSue was founded in Hamburg in 2016 by two sisters: Sue Giers and Vanessa Gieser. It is the one brand that very first caught my attention via Instagram – I guess partially because it comes from Hamburg which is where my mother was born and where I have also spent quite some time.

I love their innovative, slightly crazy yet timeless cuts that look great on every woman. A key piece in their standard collection is the Antonia blouse with voluminous sleeves. This winter, I have been wearing the slim version of the Antonia blouse in black and really love it. Such a statement piece that goes with almost anything. In case you’re curious, I found it in LaTienda – a lovely boutique in Uitikon, Zurich.

All SoSue pieces are made in Europe with emphasis placed on supporting women’s empowerment, the second-hand philosophy and supporting various social projects throughout the world. or

Intensify Me

Intensify Me was founded in Brazil in 2013 by Priscila Gomide, who still oversees every aspect of the collection including design, development and the final campaign.

Then in 2023 Priscilla teamed up with long-time fan of the brand, Carina Baldi, to introduce the lingerie range to Europe.

Fashion in Ladies Drive No. 68: Inspirational Woman Designers. Intensify Me. Priscila Gomide
Priscila Gomide

Together, they have created a woman-only company that is well loved and trusted by women. Sustainability and style are at the heart of the collection, and each piece is designed to feel good and empower women.

A personal favourite set of mine is the lace petticoat and lace tank top. They fold down to next to nothing, don’t crease and are simply perfect for travelling. Unpack and team with a pair of short cycle pants and blazer and you’re set for a great night out!

Now there is also an Intensify Me store in Basel, Switzerland.

Bombay Birds

Lipika Bajaj Kruger had a dream of creating a lifestyle brand with the best of Indian craftsmanship paired with unique designs. Moving to Zurich in 2011 then gave her the perfect opportunity to realise her dream.

With a commitment to showcasing the rich heritage of India’s cottage industries, Lipika believes in quality over quantity and as such her creations are limited editions.

The artisans are carefully chosen and Lipika makes a point to visit them personally, and placing great emphasis on the principles of slow fashion coupled with good working conditions. As a result the artisans have blossomed into cherished friends over the last decade. In her words: “Fashion is timeless, not a trend, not a moment; it’s an expression of life and true luxury that begins with quality and craftsmanship.”

Recently I have had great fun with her stunning earring collection. There seems to be the perfect pair to go with absolutely every outfit. I do suggest you check out her online store and immerse yourself in a truly dreamy collection of gold-plated earrings. They also make great Christmas gifts – after all a woman can never have too many pretty earrings!

See more on: where you will also find beautiful pashminas and home accessories.

Veröffentlicht am Dezember 16, 2024
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