Claudia Maria: Boomer über „Liquid Youth“

Ladies Drive No 67. Claudia Maria: Boomer über "Liquid Youth".
Ladies Drive Magazine
Claudia Maria interviewt zum Thema „Liquid Youth” im Ladies Drive Magazin Vol. 67 (Herbstausgabe 2024).


Currently I know many women who are reinventing themselves and joining the workforce by venturing into new careers. A case in point is my cousin Eleonora, who was a doctor in Brazil, moved to Europe and worked different odd jobs. She was completely fearless and she eventually moved with her daughter to Texas, took a flight attendant course, got a job at Alaska Airlines and moved to Alaska. She is about 65, who knew airlines would hire women this age? I’m so impressed!

My friend Carol-Ann, who is well into her sixties, recently became a wedding officiate and is loving her new career. Melissa, who was a model, then agent, recently moved to Greece and became a DJ; she is almost sixty. I think there are opportunities in the job market as well as women creating their own space and solidifying their dreams.

Modelling also is the kind of work that has radically changed in the last decade: before it was strictly for the young, now men and women like myself are being photographed alongside their younger peers in advertising campaigns everywhere. It’s so exciting. I’m on the cusp of change myself, perhaps I’ll start a travel/lifestyle show, who knows? I also think about igniting a worldwide women’s revolution, something that is long overdue.


Receiving equitable pay from an employer who values one’s vast experience should be expected, having a position that challenges your skills and makes working worthwhile, that’s full throttle. My friend Vicky, who works for a company in the oil sector in Texas, took early retirement during Covid. Not too long afterwards, she was recruited back, as she is one of their top salespersons and her connection with clients was vital. She is loving it, she has an amazing relationship with the clients and her financial remuneration reflects the company’s appreciation, and she is in her mid-sixties.


Personally, I have a dream job so I can’t speak for most people, a no-go for me would be colouring my hair, or working for a brand that does not reflect the image I desire to project. I prefer working with positive creative people who share my vision of how women should be represented, a woman with dynamic energy who views life as having no limits.


The values of fair play and uncompromising honesty in all things, to have empathy and kindness towards others even in the mundane daily exchanges of life. Independence and freedom in its totality to all should be expected without exception.


I had my twins when I was forty, so my biggest ambition and motivation is to make them proud of me and to keep myself healthy and vital as long as I can. I have a saying: “Time goes fast, catch it”. There is so much I desire to accomplish besides seeing my twins into full adulthood. Fencing is a constant passion and I still have so much to accomplish. Dedication is required to improve so I’m doing my best to get ready for the World Championship taking place this autumn in Dubai.


That’s an interesting question: I do look at Elle online since they send me emails, I do look at the news overall, but I must say Instagram keeps my mind fresh and connected with people I know and others who are like-minded.


In my case, it is certainly blurred, I travel for most of my jobs and I always extend my stay in the location a bit to visit the sites and places, like shooting on a yacht off the coast of Mykonos for five days, which was basically heaven. Visiting Berlin after a shoot, for example, and also many people I work with actually become good friends, I absolutely love that.


I have lived long enough to have experienced many disappointments, as for my soul I aim to never be disappointed with myself. I want to maintain my standards until the end.

The human tribe is definitely at a crossroads and we must find a path to a peaceful and dignified existence. I think of the children and their future: if I’m honest it is not bright.

The word tribe brings to mind the idea of unity, and that is what is missing. We are fragmented geographically, politically, economically and we have conflicting systems of beliefs, which hinders our potential to combine our forces for a common goal.


Staying healthy and keeping an engaged attitude about the world is what keeps me going. The only thing missing in my life is a committed relationship. People think if you are older this should be in the past, but no, it should definitely be in my present and future.

I do not compare myself with others or even my own former self. I am fortunate this way, I fence men and opponents much younger than myself constantly and I don’t feel at all different from before (except I need reading glasses). Obviously I don’t look as I did when I was young, but love myself as I am now. I’m not ashamed to profess this love, I praise myself, I believe it’s healthy to have a strong connection with oneself and acknowledge your positive traits.

Ladies Drive No 67. Claudia Maria: Boomer über "Liquid Youth".
Claudia Maria. Foto: Quirin Siegert für Maria Grefe

Claudia Maria

Veröffentlicht am September 18, 2024
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