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For some this may be a lavish sea-side villa, for others it may be the serenity of a mountain top. Abundance often is narrowed down to wealth, but it is a much broader concept and can encompass anything that exists in an ample quantity, such as opportunities.
How you feel towards almost everything in the world, including the word “abundance”, is not a conscious choice you made. Your beliefs were installed in your subconcious mind at an age when you relied on the other people around you, to explain to you how the world works. How? Until the age of seven, our minds are in a brainwave state called “alpha” and “theta”. Essentially, children walk around constantly hypnotised, this is how they learn and copy everything so fast.
A thoughtless comment by a teacher may derail our ability to speak confidently to a group of people as adults. A parent’s comment “we can’t afford that, who do you think we are?”, may limit our financial abundance. The fear of not achieving the demands of adulthood may leave us struggling with an eating disorder.
Each experience creates within us a supposed blueprint of beliefs on how the world works. However, they only represent the beliefs of the people we spent time with, interpreted by our developing young mind. And yet, they go on to rule our life since we have internalised their meaning and we focus on these beliefs. This keeps reinforcing these beliefs because we see the proof in the world around us. A trending buzzword for this on social media is “generational trauma”, as these beliefs get passed down across generations.
Subconscious beliefs are not set in stone and negative experiences do not have to define you for a lifetime. If your beliefs hold you back from living the life you desire, it is time to change them. As adults, we can reach the brainwave states of our childhood using techniques such as meditation and hypnosis. In this reacquired brain state, we can change our beliefs and reframe experiences that are negatively impacting our life, easily and quickly. A skilled therapist can successfully reframe your beliefs in as little as three to five sessions.
As a skilled Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), I help my clients to effortlessly change their beliefs and mindset, every day. I would like to leave you, dear reader, with tools to bring abundance and change into your life. Here are three ways you can start today:
- Gratitude
- Self-love
- Change
Gratitude: You have come so far, and you have achieved so much. The five-year old You is so proud of who you have become. And yet, we forget to appreciate all the struggles we have overcome so far, because we focus on what lies ahead and where we believe we need to go yet. Appreciate what you have today and how far you have come already. Be present in the moment.
Take a moment to admire the beauty of nature that always surrounds us. From the flowers next to the path, to the gorgeous sunset, the wane of the moon and the chirping of the birds. Use each these moments of beauty to remind you that abundance is all around. Practice gratitude regularly, best right after getting up, to set the mood for the day. You can use your morning shower time for this.
Self-love: Give a moment of gratitude to your body. Us women are particularly harsh with ourselves, always finding something to criticise. I encourage you to hear and change this inner voice. Whenever it blasts out a comment, say “you no longer serve me”. Instead, take a moment to thank your incredible body for all the work it does in silent. Your heart is beating, your hair and nails are growing, your organs are working, your legs and feet are carrying you wherever you need to go.
Do the following practice: As you stand in the shower and soap your body down, repeat “thank you, wonderful body” as you go along. If that voice creeps back into your head and points out something “bad” about a body part, say to it: “you no longer serve me” and go back to thanking your body. As you wash your hands in the sink, look in the mirror, into your own eyes and say: “I am proud of you.” Feel how this feels inside of you. It may make you feel uncomfortable or sad. Don’t quit and keep at it, until it feels comfortable, and you can let these words in.
Slowly, over the course of weeks, through continuous repetition of selflove and gratitude, you can change your internal dialogue. Your mind can be rewired to think and act differently thanks to neuroplasticity, the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. But you must focus on what you desire, not what you do not wish. The mind does not really understand negations, so if you say, “I don’t want wrinkles”, your mind hears “I want wrinkles!”. When you say, “I don’t want this person to keep treating me this way”, your mind hears “I want this person and other people to treat me this way”. Instead repeat over and over “I am worthy of love. I enjoy all the blessings in my life. I am grateful for every wonderful opportunity I have.”
Change: Find moments of quiet each day to listen to your inner voice. I encourage you to start a practice of meditation, as this is one way to rewire your brain through a regular practice. Unfortunately, many find it difficult to get into a meditative state. Thus, the easiest and fastest way to create change is through hypnosis, because when we are in state of hypnosis, like meditation, we are particularly receptive and open to positive suggestions.
In hypnosis, your therapist guides you to reach a deep meditative state. There, you can access information that is stowed away in your subconscious mind, as you reframe old beliefs and attach a new meaning to them, with the guidance of your therapist.
Take the example of the child who because of a teacher is terrified of public speaking to this day. In a hypnotic state the therapist can now reframe that experience and the attached beliefs. The fear of public speaking goes away, and additional positive changes to her confidence are seen in private and professional conversations.
This could unfold by being open to talking to a stranger. This unexpected meeting could turn into a business opportunity, create the next introduction or just a nice chat. Reframing the mindset can lead to increadible results. My clients are surprised by how simple change is and how it boosts their confidence. As a Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) I get to guide my clients into their deepest subconscious beliefs every day and reframe beliefs that no longer serve them. This leads to instant and lasting results.
Each one of us deserves the best this world has to offer. If your mindset is causing you discomfort and holding you back from achieving your dreams and seeing the abundance that surrounds you, it is time to change this. You can shift your mindset today and change your life for the better. What can you achieve?

About Alexandra
Alexandra Balmer is a Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) and hypnotherapist in Zurich, Switzerland. She works online and offline with clients worldwide who desire rapid and profound changes in their lives. She offers clients support across a wide range of topics including anxiety and sleep disorders to fertility and eating disorders. After ten years in financial market law, she decided on a career change in 2022 to study RTT and hypnotherapy in London under Marisa Peer, subsequently founding Redefined Mind. Alexandra also holds a doctoral degree in law from the University of Zurich. She can be reached via email at alexandra@redefined-mind.com and through her website www.redefined-mind.com.