Everyone knows Nelson Mandela. He changed how the world sees South Africa – and he changed the world for his fellow citizens, and not just in his home country. But who knows the story about Winnie Mandela – or her granddaughter Swati Mandela? It is about time this story was told. And we’re proud to share it with you, with our Business Sisterhood. Swati Mandela’s mother was Princess Zenani Mandela-Dlamini. Swati herself is a royal highness, too. Her full name: Princess Zamaswazi Dlamini- Mandela. Her grandmother was Winnie Mandela.
These strong women have been so bold – it is just incredible.
Nicolas Degennes und der Rote Lippenstift
Wir treffen den kreativen Kopf an der Spitze von Givenchy zum Interview – noch vor Corona. Der Grund: Sephora holt die Kultmarke Givenchy Beauty wieder ins Sortiment. Hätten wir Nicolas Degennes heute getroffen, hätten wir ihn wohl darüber befragt, wie man sich schnell ein gutes Online-Video-Call-Makeup zaubert…aber seine unglaubliche, 20jährige Karriere als Art Director bot uns auch so jede Menge Gesprächsstoff.
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