Das Cafe am Rande der Welt

Führst Du Ein Erfülltes Leben?

Führst Du Ein Erfülltes Leben?

Ladies Drive Bargespräche Vol. 66 Retrospektive. Die Frage nach dem erfüllten Leben ist die dritte von Dreien aus dem Buch «Das Café am Rande der Welt» von John Strelecky, die Sandra-Stela Treibel an den vergangenen Bargesprächen ihren Gästen auf dem Podium stellte.

John Strelecky: I Know How It Feels to Be Alone

John Strelecky: I Know How It Feels to Be Alone

The Café on the Edge of the World and The Big 5 for Life are on numerous bestseller lists all around the world. The Café has been translated into 43 languages and has sold over 4 million copies. In May 2022, the fourth book in the Café series will be published. Its creator and author is John Strelecky, who has sold more than 6 million books worldwide. He is American, born and raised outside of Chicago, and a curious adventurer with a philosophical mind who will teach us how to use our intuitive muscle.

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