Businessmagazine Ladies Drive

It’s a Wrap! the League Of Leading Ladies Conference 2021

It’s a Wrap! the League Of Leading Ladies Conference 2021

League of Leading Ladies Conference is the flagship event organised since 2014 by Sandra-Stella & Sebastian Triebl. In 2020 it could not have taken place and needed to be postponed twice. In order to make it possible this year Stella and Sebastian decided to implement the now becoming increasingly popular concept of a hybrid event. The formula combines a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component.

Swati Mandela: The Untold Story

Swati Mandela: The Untold Story

Everyone knows Nelson Mandela. He changed how the world sees South Africa – and he changed the world for his fellow citizens, and not just in his home country. But who knows the story about Winnie Mandela – or her granddaughter Swati Mandela? It is about time this story was told. And we’re proud to share it with you, with our Business Sisterhood. Swati Mandela’s mother was Princess Zenani Mandela-Dlamini. Swati herself is a royal highness, too. Her full name: Princess Zamaswazi Dlamini- Mandela. Her grandmother was Winnie Mandela.
These strong women have been so bold – it is just incredible.

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