Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z: Why You Need All Three in the Workplace

Text: Gitte Peeraer
Cover photo: Oleg Covian

Three generations are in charge - together - at famous beauty brand Sisley. Photo: Oleg Covian
In today's dynamic workplace, the convergence of three distinct generations – X, Y, and Z – brings a unique set of skills and perspectives.

Gitte Peeraer, Senior Talent Acquisition & Learning Specialist at Swiss recruitment specialist Robert Walters, sheds light on why fostering collaboration among these generations is the key to a thriving and innovative workplace. 

Generation X: efficient coaches 

„As the baby boomers retire, Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) is emerging as the seasoned workforce in the corporate world. Like their predecessors, they show loyalty, optimism, and ambition. Gen Xers willingly assumed the role of coaches, sharing their extensive knowledge with younger colleagues. This pragmatic generation is highly focused on efficiency, approaching tasks with a down-to-earth, business-oriented mindset”, Gitte explains. 

Generation Y or millennials: flexible team players 

Moving on to Generation Y or millennials (born between 1981 and 1995), Gitte notes: „This generation has brought attention to work-life balance, flexible working and hybrid work arrangements. Millennials, with their strong sense of responsibility, aim for a trusting relationship with their employers, valuing mutual flexibility. Authenticity is a key aspect for Generation Y, and they are eager to contribute quickly to organizational success. Additionally, millennials are characterized as excellent team players who prioritize a positive office atmosphere.“ 

Generation Z: creative multi-taskers 

For Generation Z (born between 1996 and 2010), Gitte describes them as ‘creative multi-taskers‘ and the first ‚digital natives‘ in the workforce. Proficient in current technologies, they effortlessly navigate between channels, excelling in quickly processing relevant information. Known as ‚Zoomers,‘ they exhibit a creative approach, desiring freedom to innovate.“ 

Gitte continues: „Generation Z stands out for their strong commitment to sustainability. Their environmental awareness positively influences office behavior, impacting previous generations who may not have been as environmentally conscious.“ 

Three generations are in charge - together - at famous beauty brand Sisley. Photo: Oleg Covian
Three generations are in charge – together – at famous beauty brand Sisley. Photo: Oleg Covian.

The perfect mix for success 

Highlighting the importance of a diverse workplace, Gitte emphasizes: „Each generation contributes unique strengths, and organizations should consider the distinct values and norms of each group. A diverse mix of ages ensures complementary strengths that impact crucial aspects of the business.“ 

Building a collaborative environment 

„In the workplace, intergenerational collaboration fosters efficient knowledge transfer in both directions,“ Gitte points out. „Older generations can share their experience while benefiting from the digital expertise of younger colleagues.“ 

Gitte concludes: „Employers should create a conducive working environment where everyone collaborates toward a defined goal, supported by every employee. Flexibility is crucial, acknowledging that each generation has its own work style. The organization must have the courage to provide this freedom, exemplified by offering options like hybrid work.“ 

Unlock the potential of a diverse workforce 

Are you ready to enhance your team’s dynamics with a blend of generational talents? Explore new possibilities by sending your vacancy.

Gitte Peeraer

Gitte Peeraer

Senior Talent Acquisition & Learning Specialist at Swiss recruitment specialist Robert Walters.

Veröffentlicht am März 07, 2024

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