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LadiesDrive.World / Online / Creators
Many things are possible as long as you set your heart and mind to achieve them. Determination, acceptance, and appreciation of the talent given to you, are key to achieving your dreams. Take one step after another, mind the stumbling blocks and remember the people who helped you on your way up. Do not let one failed venture get in your way to a lifetime of prosperity. Change the things you can and accept those you can’t.
Since joining Startupticker in 2015, I have been deeply immersed in the Swiss startup scene, providing insightful news and analysis on the latest developments. My passion for entrepreneurship and innovation is at the core of my work, driving me to delve deeper into the intricacies of the startup ecosystem. As an advocate for female entrepreneurship, I actively participate in initiatives aimed at boosting their presence and success.
Networking is a key aspect of my role, allowing me to connect with like-minded individuals and foster valuable relationships. I am always eager to engage in meaningful conversations about startups, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Let’s connect!
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