3 Pillars for the Next Career Step

Female Leaders Seminar
According to a study by the consulting firm Zenger Folkman published in the Harvard Business Re-view, women outperform men in 17 out of 19 leadership competencies. But only 29% of management positions with personnel responsibility are filled by women. 64% of promotions go to men. And this even though 54% of all university and technical college degrees go to women. But enough numbers, because we all know that there are simply still too few women in leadership positions. To change this situation, companies must adapt their structures, but politics can also do its part – keyword childcare. Additionally, women who want to take the next step can also prepare themselves for it and advance their careers in a targeted manner.

Women are often very good in their field, yet they sometimes tend to be reserved when it comes to promoting themselves. This may be one contributing factor why women are considered less often for promotions than men. With the Aiming Higher Women’s Leadership Programme, the University of St.Gallen has created a compact continuing education programme for women in lower and middle management who want to prepare for the next career step. Last year, over 40 women took part in the programme. This fall, the programme will start up for the fourth time. 

The Aiming Higher Women’s Leadership Programme is based on three pillars: leadership, communication, and taking action. Participants learn about various leadership approaches and identify their own personal leadership style based on an expert-guided. A further focus is on strengthening personal communication skills that are required for more senior roles, such as leading negotiations and managing various stakeholder interests. Participants then create a personal plan for their next career steps and partake in a 6-month mentoring programme to exchange best practices with a seasoned sparring partner. Finally, the annual reunion provides ongoing inspiration and access to an ever-growing network of female leaders.

Find out more about the Aiming Higher Women’s Leadership Programme here. 

Female Leaders Seminar

Female Leaders Seminar


Veröffentlicht am Juli 07, 2022

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