
“It’s nobody’s fault when someone dies”

“It’s nobody’s fault when someone dies”

Märtha Louise (51) was born into the Norwegian Royal Family as the oldest child of King Harald and Queen Sonja.
By stepping out of the traditional way of embracing her royal role by being an entrepreneur with several
startups, she is inspiring people all over the world to follow their true calling in life regardless of their background.

A Guide to Ultimate Growth by Maria Sirois

A Guide to Ultimate Growth by Maria Sirois

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is pretty well known since the 1970s due to the diagnoses of the U.S. military of the Vietnam War.
Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) is a concept describing a positive psychological change experienced as a result of struggling with a highly challenging or traumatic circumstance.

Waris Dirie: How The Desert Flower Grows

Waris Dirie: How The Desert Flower Grows

Waris Dirie. Supermodel. Bestselling Author. Actress. Human Rights Activist. Painter. Believer.
And more beautiful than ever before. This desert flower has grown deep roots
and confidence to inspire others – no matter what.

3 Pillars for the Next Career Step

3 Pillars for the Next Career Step

According to a study by the consulting firm Zenger Folkman published in the Harvard Business Re-view, women outperform men in 17 out of 19 leadership competencies. But only 29% of management positions with personnel responsibility are filled by women. 64% of promotions go to men. And this even though 54% of all university and technical college degrees go to women. But enough numbers, because we all know that there are simply still too few women in leadership positions. To change this situation, companies must adapt their structures, but politics can also do its part – keyword childcare. Additionally, women who want to take the next step can also prepare themselves for it and advance their careers in a targeted manner.

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