Renu Bakshi

International Crisis Manager & Media Trainer
Workshop Theme
Beyond Survival to Thrival: How to fuel growth through a brand crisis
League of Leading Ladies Conference 2023 - Renu Bakshi

With 30+ years as a professional communicator, including leading notable global brands through crisis, Renu will guide you through practical tips to own your moment and beyond, including:

·       How to stabilize your mind before a disruption and move beyond fear

·       Why communicating bad news brings relief

·       Top themes to support growth

·       Three Ts for effective leadership

·       Four Cs that will define how you led

Sharing real examples, Renu will show you how winners thrive and create brand resilience.

Renu Bakshi managed the court of public opinion for a lifetime – first, navigating it as a youngster, then shaping it for 21 years as a TV news journalist, and now winning it for her clients.

Renu focuses on long-term leadership and messages that matter – not spin – and that’s why top companies and executives trust her direction when it comes to their public relations’ needs: media training, crisis management, press releases and press conferences.

If you want spin, Renu might be the wrong person. But if you want true and truthful leadership, call her! She will work with you hands-on every step of the way.

Renu Bakshi is based in Vancouver, British Columbia and works with clients in major cities across North America.

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