Olga Miler & Dr. Lidia Kurt-Bolla

Fintech-Entrepreneur and Founder of Smart Purse & (SWITZERLAND) Founder of vision&, Partner for Digital Assets, Tokenization & Ecosystems
Workshop Subject
Money Trends & Impact Investing: All You Need To Know To Succeed
League of Leading Ladies 2022 - Lidia Kurt-Bolla & Olga Miler

Over the past 10 years, Olga Miler and her business parter at Smart Purse, Jude, have built one of the largest global communities of women and have transformed many financial services companies. After talking to thousands of women, they learned that there is no safe and welcoming space for women to discuss the money questions impacting their lives and to get practical help.

With a team of global thought leaders specialising in gender equality and finance, they set out to change that – to revolutionise the way women discuss and plan their money.
Olga Miler is an award-winning innovation architect and marketing executive. UBS, PwC, Nestle, Olga is start-up experienced and developed an UBS award-winning programme for women.
„I am an economist and marketing expert, raised in a family of entrepreneurs with a mindset of turning ideas into something that benefits everyone.

My career includes senior roles in three blue chips and over 15 years of experience in the financial industry. I have developed innovations in over 15 countries and have been recognized with various awards for doing so.“

Dr. Lidia Kurt-Bolla has extensive experience in the intersection of traditional finance with new technologies. Since establishing vision& in 2017, she accompanied several digital asset and tokenization projects. Among others, she was involved in the successful launch of CROWDLITOKEN.
Previously, she was the managing partner of a consulting boutique for quantitative finance and has worked for J.P. Morgan and Swiss Re in Zurich, London and Hong Kong. Lidia graduated from the University of St. Gallen with a PhD in asset management.
Although loving to tackle the challenges of the financial world, Lidia’s actual happy place are technologies – during coding she regularly looses track of time.




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