Dorothea & Florian Schönwiese

Leadership Specialists & Classical Musicians
Workshop Subject
Listen & Lead
League of Leading Ladies Conference 2023 - Dorothea und Florian Schoenwiese

Dorothea and Florian Schönwiese are classical musicians – you will hear them at the award ceremony – offering powerful leadership development programs using the impact of music to dig deep!

In 2019 they were part of the League of Leading Ladies Conference with their highly dynamic setting „The Sound of Leadership“, in which you conducted a musical ensemble and got direct feedback as to your leadership qualities. Unforgettable for many participants…

This time they will join the conference with their beautiful workshop „Listen & Lead“. Here music is the starting point to discover how true listening improves your leadership skills and strengthens the ties in your team!

This workshop is an oasis of slowing down and an opportunity for self-exploration. 

Live music – cello solo – and dialogue will bring you in contact with your intuition and your innermost self.

Dorothea and Florian are also trained dialogue process facilitators. 

Dorothea is also a systemic counselor.

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