Future Leading Ladies Conference Ticket – League of Leading Ladies Conference 2025

League of Leading Ladies Conference 2025

Are you a young professional or entrepreneur eager to start building your professional network?

We’re here to support you! That’s why Ladies Drive offers an exclusive special rate for the inspiring „Future Leading Ladies Under 30.“

If you’d like to take advantage of one of these special tickets for our conference in Interlaken on April 7 & 8, 2025, don’t hesitate to reach out.

The ticket includes:

  • Conference access fee
  • Welcome drinks and seated dinner including drinks and champagne
  • Breakfast & seated lunch
  • Access to our meditation or Yoga class on Tuesday
  • List of participants to extend your personal network
  • Access to all attendees of the Conference
  • Hotel accommodations are not included in this package

CHF 888.00

inkl. 8.1% MwSt.

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