Wies Bratby

The Netherlands
Founder Women In Negotiation
Workshop Theme
Navigating And Negotiating Your Career
League of Leading Ladies Conference 2023 - Wies Bratby

She will also share powerful mindset and practical tools to kickstart you taking control of your career.

Wies Bratby is a top-lawyer-turned-HR-Director-turned-coach-slash-consultant, who recently returned to her native Netherlands, after working and living across the globe for nearly a decade, of which the last 6 years were in Switzerland. Through her coaching practice Women In Negotiation and her podcast “WINNING with Wies Bratby”, she helps women in corporate to pro-actively navigate and negotiate their careers and salaries. Wies is also a sough-after keynote speaker and workshop trainer, inspiring women to ask for everything they want and deserve in their careers and lives.

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