Sasha Lund

Founder Core Values Consulting, Family Office Relations, Podcast Host of Legacy Talks with Sasha Lund, Serial Entrepreneur
Workshop Subject
Succession Planning Done Right: How To Plan Ahead
Sasha Lund - League of Leading Ladies Conference 2023

Known as a Forbes-featured international business leader, keynote speaker and serial entrepreneur, I started my own company, Core Values Consulting, advising a range of multi-generational HNWI families on their succession planning, family governance and legacy milestones to secure healthy generational continuity and longevity.

Having worked with a range of Family Offices and clients from early stage startups to industry giants in sports, technology, pharma, government and entertainment, I have delivered a diverse set of true value-add customised programmes. These include Family Office Retreats, Family Meeting Moderation and PR events planning, all across five continents and all while communicating fluently in seven languages.

Over a year ago, I met Healthy Pleasure Group (HPG), the global outfit dedicated to Sexual Health and Technology (SH&T), and started working as Chief Strategy Officer – Investment to establish a share of future wellness and help develop robust and meaningful market share across the Group’s multi-revenue global ecosystem. My goal at HPG is to contribute and shape the burgeoning SH&T industry by building a future-proof economy to bring not only education and innovation but investment in an underserved and often overlooked multi-billion dollar industry.

I am currently co-curating a curriculum at RCC Harvard executive program on Leading a Conscious Family Business Course and proudly hold the position of Co-Founder, VP & Editor-in-Chief of Diplomatic World Media.

As a female business voice who believes in change for good, I am a NEXUS Global network member and serve as Senator for the World Business Angels Forum, an organisation that is committed to empower world economic development. I am also the Europe Ambassador for Masters of AI, Founding Member of Family Hippocampus and proudly Founder of The Legacy Circle, a purpose-built business that navigates the complexities of intergenerational wealth.

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