
CEO & Founder The Mahima Mindset
Workshop Theme
BEING is the new DOING!
League of Leading Ladies Conference 2023 - Mahima

In a world that is consistently forcing us to look outward looking inward on a regular basis requires a powerful paradigm shift. I would love to support the deepening of this shift inside this session. Without questioning our obsession, with doing, we will keep returning to the automatic mode of doing so much that our batteries run dangerously low. 

Switching off the doer can feel impossible, especially when our to do list is growing rapidly, with our success. I have discovered that changing the perspective on HOW we create success, has allowed me to achieve more with less constant giving and more consistent receiving. During this interactive workshop, I will cover a concept I call the EBE “Energy Body Elevation” We all have our own frequency we are putting out based on our belief systems and emotions we indulge in. Getting our “Energy Bodies” to work for us not against us is the magic formula to high performance that many people know about but find hard to implement and embody. 

My Energy Body Elevation system covers 4 main energy archetypes that are essential to understand. Then work to keep you feeling powerful, relaxed, grounded, centred, and high performing without the burning-out effect. With my EBE 4-step system your audience will learn practical tools to help them stay consistently energised, and focused. They will discover how to slow down to move faster, and how stillness is a superpower in the high-performance game. 

Mahima is an Internationally Renowned Self Mastery Mentor, Award winning Mindset Trainer,International Bestselling Author and Speaker. She shared stages with Sir Richard Branson, Randi Zuckerberg, Les Brown and many more. Industry-disruptor, prolific thought-leader and TEDx speaker. She supports those who are hungry for the skills that they need in order to vastly improve themselves as leaders and communicators. Based in Switzerland and travelling the world, her high-touch trainings are ideal for companies who are looking for personal transformation and long-lasting impact. Mahima Lucille Klinge trains leaders, teams, and change-makers from the world’s most recognized companies, organisations on being empowered, positive, focused, energised, calm and fired up for success in all areas of their lives.

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