Marina Parris & Michele Cueni

MBA, Coach Equine-Facilitated Learning, Leadership Development Consultant
Keynote Subject
Horse Wisdom for Leaders - Discover one of the most powerful modalities to accelerate personal growth
League of Leading Ladies Conference - Workshop Hosts Team - Marina Parris & Michele Cueni
Interacting with horses is one of the most powerful modalities to ac- celerate your personal development. It will give you the opportunity to increase self-awareness and understand the impact your behavior has on others. Six people will individually interact with the horse, while observers will transfer observations to the workplace.
Please note: limited space for 6 people to actively participate and max. 20 spots for people to watch.
Marina Parris
Marina was born in 1963 in California and has lived in Switzerland for 30 years. In her leadership coaching and workshops, she combines her corporate experience with 15 years of coaching experience and 20 years of horse experience. Marina has also written two books.
Michele Cueni
Michele was born in 1959 in the UK and has lived in Switzerland for 40 years. She is an international consultant, coach and leadership trainer with over 29 years of experience with top-level management in mul- ti-national companies. Michele was Managing Director of Franklin- Covey Switzerland and is Master Trainer for their programs.
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