The glass ceiling of Swiss listed and large unlisted companies is very hard to break through. Why is it like this? The Knight Gianella BoD survey shows what the inhib-iting factors are that slow down the establishment of gender diversity, and what measures are needed to make progress in Switzerland. The actual Knight Gianella BoD survey was conducted in October 2021 together with the International Institute for Management Development IMD in Lausanne, one of the best business schools in the world, according to rankings by the Financial Times, The Economist, Bloomberg, Forbes and other publications. With a very high response rate of over 29.8% of the 705 BoD members surveyed, and a steady percentage of female BoD members at 24%, the results can be considered representative.
In the workshop, the participants will be shown what is needed to break through the glass ceiling and what an ideal career looks like. In particular, they will be shown how to position themselves correctly and how to proceed in order to increase their real chance of getting a position on an executive board or BoD.
The participants of the workshop will be asked in the live voting what their specific needs are and where they would like to get support from companies. Fabienne Meier and Daniela Haze will answer the questions of the participants from the Executive Search and Career Sparring point of view.
Dr. Fabienne E. Meier is a partner at Knight Gianella & Partner AG in Zollikon / Zurich, specialising in direct search, evaluation and consulting for top executives, CEOs and board members. She holds a doctorate in business administration from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and initially worked for Unilever and Hilti. From 2014 to 2017, she was head of the ZfU Board Academy, where she trained top executives and obtained a Master of Corporate Board. Most recently, Fabienne Meier was a member of the executive board of a strategy consultancy with a focus on corporate governance and transformation.
Dr. Daniela Haze Stoeckli is a partner at mindyourstep GmbH, specialising in executive & career sparring for top female executives and skills management along value chains in the financial services industry. She completed her doctorate at the Banking Institute of the University of Zurich on the topic of multichannel banking. Daniela Haze Stoeckli has many years of experience in transformation projects at banks and knows how to actively steer performance as a member of management boards and as a successful entrepreneur. Most recently, Daniela Haze Stoeckli was a member of the Executive Board at the Swiss Insurance Association and promoted topics such as ‚Future Skills‘ and the establishment of a ‚Women In-surance Network‘ in Switzerland for the insurance industry.