Dr Thomas Gitzel

Chief Economist at VP Bank
Workshop Theme
Trump's Second Term: Economic Shifts and Investment Opportunities
League of Leading Ladies Conference. Workshop Host - Dr Thomas Gitzel

Donald Trump’s second term as U.S. President has sparked global tensions and pose significant challenges for Europe. With the risk of escalating tariff disputes, an already fragile economy faces mounting pressure. But what does this mean for financial markets in 2025?

VP Bank’s Chief Economist Dr Thomas Gitzel offers an expert analysis of the potential economic landscape and reveals how Trump’s policies, including a shift toward an anti-woke corporate culture, are reshaping investment trends. Explore the expected developments and gain valuable insights into the future of financial markets.

About Dr Thomas Gitzel

As Chief Economist in the Investment Research team of the VP Bank Group, Dr Thomas Gitzel combines academic expertise with real-world insights. Holding a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim and having studied at the University of Tübingen and the University of Massachusetts, Boston, Dr Thomas Gitzel is also a lecturer at the University of Liechtenstein.

Recognized as one of Germany’s most influential economists (INSM ranking), he delivers sharp analysis and forward-thinking perspectives.

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