“My interest is in the future because this is where I am going to spend the rest of my life” (C.Ketterig).
The future is no longer what it used to be, and it comes quicker. Since 2000, 52% of the companies in the Fortune 500 either got bankrupt or acquired while others like Amazon, Netflix, and Uber seized new Trends and reshaped our lives forever! When thinking about TRENDS, words like Uncertainty-Future-Change-Risk come to mind. As humans we preserve and optimize rather than search for the unknown. We can make Trend a Friend by looking at it as a Present Exponential Opportunity rather than a fuzzy future. De-mystifying Trends goes beyond a broad understanding of AI, Robotics, Metaverse, Climate or Demographic changes. It demands a mindset shift from “what if?” to “so what?”. The more connected systematic effort we take to de-code and adapt the Trends, the more we can influence and shape a better Future for our businesses and communities.